Tabora New Hope Agency

Is aiming to improve the standard of living of the people in a community by planning on the utilization of the available resources and guiding on the implementation of the plans to achieve the best social services in Tanzania.

Tabora New Hope Agency

Is aiming to improve the standard of living of the people in a community by planning on the utilization of the available resources and guiding on the implementation of the plans to achieve the best social services in Tanzania.

Tabora New Hope Agency

Is aiming to improve the standard of living of the people in a community by planning on the utilization of the available resources and guiding on the implementation of the plans to achieve the best social services in Tanzania.

Tabora New Hope Agency

Is aiming to improve the standard of living of the people in a community by planning on the utilization of the available resources and guiding on the implementation of the plans to achieve the best social services Tanzania.

Tabora New Hope Agency

Is aiming to improve the standard of living of the people in a community by planning on the utilization of the available resources and guiding on the implementation of the plans to achieve the best social services Tanzania.

Jumapili, 17 Aprili 2016

Yatambue Matatizo Madogo ya Ujauzito

Katika ujauzito, mwili wa mwanamke hubadilika kwa njia nyingi . Matatizo haya yanaweza kumkosesha utulivu. Hata hivyo, mara nyingi huwa ya kawaida. Yanaweza kutokea wakati wowote katika ujauzito. 

Hapa, tutajifunza kuhusu baadhi ya matatizo madogo ya ujauzito na kujadili njia za kuwasaidia wanawake kujihisi vyema au angalau waache kuwa na hofu kuyahusu. Pia tutajifunza jinsi ya kutambua ukosefu wa utulivu kwa mwanamke unapoashiria kuwa huenda kukawa na tatizo linalohitaji uchunguzi zaidi na udhibiti, au hata kuwa jambo la hatari linatendeka kwa ujauzito wake.

Mengi ya matatizo haya madogo katika ujauzito yanaweza kupunguzwa kwa elimu bora na matibabu ya mara moja. Pia unapaswa kujua kuhusu baadhi ya tiba zilizo hatari kwa wanawake wajawazito na zinazoweza

12 Common Pregnancy Problems

For someone who is pregnant, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is important to maintain and pay attention to his health. This becomes very important because it relates to the condition of the fetus in the womb. When a pregnant woman has a health problem, it stands to reason that the fetus will develop health problems so that growth can be stunted. The first trimester of pregnancy is when the fetus is still very vulnerable condition and still very risky for many other dangerous diseases.
The Common Pregnancy Problems Happen
1. Nausea
In the first three months you will experience morning sickness with growth or mood mess. For pregnant women who are often sick, then eat a smaller portion, but often from 3x a day, jangn let an empty stomach, avoid lying down position after eating, avoid foods high in fat, fried, spicy or greasy foods, eat pungent odor HINARI.
2. Backache
During pregnancy, your body will stretch along with the growth of your fetus. This raises the pressure and tension in the lower back and pelvis. How to cope with back pain during pregnancy that rest was more frequent with the mattress support. Lie on your left side with a pillow between the knees, in beakang back and under the belly, standing upright, wearing heels, low or no

Here Are 14 Super Foods for Fighting Cervical Cancer

cervical cancer fighting foods Learn how you can reduce your chances of developing cervical cancer by eating the right foods! The super foods listed below are known their extraordinary cervical cancer fighting nutrients. If you are looking for more general information on how your eating habits can affect your risk of developing cervical cancer, check out the section Diet for Cervical Cancer Prevention.

Please note: The content provided below and elsewhere on this website is not intended nor should it be construed as providing professional medical or nutritional advice. Do not rely on information provided on this website for your health problems; instead, consult a qualified medical professional for advice.

#1:  Papaya

Originally from Central America, the papaya plant is today cultivated in most tropical countries. Termed as the "fruit of the angels" by Christopher Columbus, papaya is a true nutritional powerhouse. It is one of the best fruit sources of vitamin C (even better than oranges), but it also contains beta-cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin. This nutrient combo has been as

Cervical Cancer Prevention: 10 Diet Tips for Susceptible Women

cervical cancer diet
In this section of our Guide to Cervical Cancer Prevention, you will find a collection of diet tips that may help women reduce their risk of getting cervical cancer. However, before getting into the tips, let's take a quick look at what cervical cancer is:

Cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix) is the second most common cancer in women. In 2009, an estimated 11,000 women will be diagnosed with cervical cancer and an estimated 4,000 women will die from this slow- growing cancer. The cervix is the narrow part of the uterus through which babies are born. Cervical cells can go through many types of changes, most of which are harmless and not related to cancer. These changes can be caused by a number of factors, including HPV infection. HPVs (human papillomaviruses) are a group of more than 100 related viruses, many of which can be passed from one person to another through sexual contact. About 15 types of the 100 types of HPV can cause cervical cancer.

In most cases, however, HPV infections go away on their own.

How To Prevent Cervical Cancer Naturally

A lot of people who already have cervical cancer. People who have contracted this disease is quite difficult to make a full recovery but want to remove the uterus. But if someone picks up the uterus will make the person can not get pregnant and have children.
In order not to have better disease prevention. There are many ways to prevent cervical cancer naturally you can do. With prevention will make you can avoid this dangerous disease.
How to prevent cervical cancer is the first natural diligently cleaning the sex organs. Diligently cleaning the sex organs will make the uterus is healthy. To clean your sex organs can use clean water.
Clean water has a ph neutral and safe for your sex organs. Sex organs clean can also prevent women from a wide variety of female problems such as vaginal discharge and odor.
How to prevent cervical cancer Naturally the second is to do the right relationship. Today many couples whose origins in the relationship. Because the origin in the relationship would make a lot of health problems in the reproductive organs one of which is cancer of the cervix. In order for the relationship that you do your diligent secure better consult a doctor and ask how the relationship is good and right.
How to prevent cervical cancer is naturally the third is to consume lots of healthy food. Two types of healthy foods must be consumed are vegetables and fruits. The food has a lot of nutrients that are good for health.
In vegetables and fruits there are also a lot of antioxidants can make cancer cells become dead. You have to make sure both of these foods on the list of foods that you must consume each day. Vegetables are good for consumption is a vegetable that has a dark green color.
To prevent cervical cancer, you should diligently check the condition of the sex organs and the uterus to the doctor. By diligently checked sex organs will make you better understand the sex organs health conditions you have.
Regular exercise also should do as with regular exercise will make your metabolism to be smooth. People who have a good body metabolism will be healthy and cancer cells fail to thrive in the body. Sports that you do not need the type of strenuous exercise.
You just do light exercise such as jogging and push-ups. By doing all the way to prevent cervical cancer has been mentioned, you certainly will not be difficult to prevent the dangerous disease coming into your body. The way it is also very easy to do with cost.

Jumamosi, 16 Aprili 2016

Mambo 3 Ya Kuanzia Ili Ufikie Mafanikio Ya Juu Zaidi.

Wakati natafakari maisha jinsi yalivyo na wakati natafakari ufahari wa mwanadamu hapa duniani, ndipo nilipopata kuelewa kwamba maisha ni kama maigizo ni kama uchekeshaji vile. Kwanini nasema hivyo? 
Nasema hivyo kwa sababu usipoangalia kwa makini unaweza kuishi kwa kujisahau jinsi ulivyo badala yake ukaishi kwa taswira ya dunia ambayo taswira ya dunia sio kitu halisi bali ni taswira tu au mtazamo tu. Ndiyo maana nikapata kanuni rahisi ya maisha kwamba maisha yote hapa duniani is a game yaani ni mchezo kama  ilivyo michezo tunayoifahamu hivi sasa.

Najua hujaelewa ninachosema, ngoja nikupe mfano; kuna wakati nilipokuwa ndogo nilikuwa naishi kwa taabu sana kwa sababu nilikuwa najiona mimi ni mfupi na mwembemba zaidi kuliko wenzangu,  kila siku nilikuwa najilinganisha na wenzangu na nilijiona mimi ni mdogo zaidi. Niliishi kwa unyonge sana kipindi hicho sikuwana uhuru wa kusimama na kujidai mbele ya wenzangu.

Iko mifano ya namna hiyo mingi;  nimekutana na watu wanajiita wazuri wa sura au walembo, mara nyingi hujivunia sura yao nzuri na jinsi wanavyofuatwafuatwa na watu maarufu kwahiyo watu hao huringia uzuri wa sura zao nzuri. 
Baadaye nikagundua kuwa kumbe mtu anayeringia na

Hivi Ni Vyanzo 5 Vya Bahati Mbaya

Hizi ni baadhi tu ya kauli za baadhi ya watu ambao ni wafuasi wakubwa wa kitu kinachoitwa bahati mbaya;
“Alikuwa anavuka barabara, lakini kwa bahati mbaya akagongwa na gari.” “Nimemaliza masomo yangu mwaka jana, lakini kwa bahati mbaya nikafeli.” Kwa bahati mbaya biashara yangu ilisambaratika.” “Kwa bahati mbaya alifukuzwa kazi.” Imetokea kwa bahati mbaya” Nimebata bahati mbaya Mume wangu hanifai hata kidogo.” “Kwa bahati mbaya alijifungua mtoto aliyekufa”. Hebu tujifunze vyanzo vya bahati mbaya na namna ya kuepukana navyo, ili tusijikute kila siku tunalaumu kupatwa na bahati mbaya kumbe makosa ni yetu na kwamba hatukuwa makini katika kuishi kwetu.

1. Uzembe wa Kufikiria
Watu wengi wanaoamini kuwepo kwa matukio ya bahati mbaya katika maisha wanaelezwa na wataalamu kuwa na kasoro katika upeo wa kufikiri vyanzo vya mambo. Inasemwa na watafiti wengi kuwa matukio mabaya yaliyopata kuripotiwa ulimwenguni ni ma

Sifa 19 Muhimu Kwa Kiongozi

Kisaikolijia sifa za kiongozi ziko wazi na ni muhimu, mtu kuwa nazo kabla au baada ya kupewa cheo. Leo tunataka kuziangalia kwa undani sifa hizi, ili kama wananchi au viongozi wenye dhamana ya kuchagua watu wa kuongoza tuwatazame watu kwa sifa zao kabla na baada ya kuwapa nafasi. Sifa za kiongozi ni hizi zifuatazo:

1. Awaze mafanikio makubwa
Kiongozi bora lazima awe na maono ya juu ya kuhakikisha kuwa nchi yake, kampuni yake sekta yake inapata mafanikio makubwa, hii ndiyo itakuwa dira ya kazi yake itakayompa muongozo wa kusimamia wafanyakazi na watendaji wote walio chini yake kufikia kiwango cha mafanikio anachokiwaza. Kiongozi asiyekuwa na mawazo ya juu ya kuendelea kutoka mahali alipo hafai.

2. Awe na nia
Haitoshi kwa kiongozi kuwa na mawazo chanya peke yake bila kuwa na nia ya kuyatimiza. Hivyo, kiongozi atafaa kuchaguliwa kuwa kiongozi endapo tu atakuwa na uwezo wa kuratibu vema na kutekeleza alichowaza. Ajue njia anayopita, awatangulie anaowaongoza kwa vitendo.

3. Ajitambue mwenyewe
Lazima kiongozi ajitambue mwenyewe ni mtu

10 Ways to Embrace Changes In Your Personal and Professional Life


For many individuals, accepting change in their personal and professional lives is oftentimes a difficult proposition. Yet change is inevitable; it is the only thing that is constant in our world. Whether it is in your personal life or your professional life, you can anticipate changes that you will have to adjust to.
However, accepting change is not a popular idea and we typically oppose or resist it. People are reluctant to step out of their comfort zones because they get attached to old habits and their lifestyles. This makes it difficult to achieve our goals.
Why are People so afraid of Change?
Even though you may want to control your own destiny, making changes in your life may be so intimidating that you will end up settling for less or doing nothing at all. There are 6 reasons why so many people are afraid of change including:

Agonizing over certain decisions because you feel isolated:
-Clinging to those perks, possessions, and statuses that you have acquired along the way
-Doubting yourself and feeling that you are not up to

10 Reasons Why You’re Enough Just the Way You Are

Since you’re reading this post, you’re probably drawn to personal development in some way.
Maybe you’re going through something heavy right now or maybe it’s just your daily mental multivitamin.
It’s been many years since I first felt drawn to the self­help genre. Tony Robbins’ “Awaken the Giant Within” was my gateway drug so to speak.

Then came numerous others.

Reading these books always made me feel better about myself, but just like a drug, I found myself wanting and needing more to help me feel okay with who I was.
Don’t get me wrong, they’ve been immensely helpful in understanding myself and others more and have helped change my life for the better. And I still read them on a regular basis. But often I used them, similar to the way people use drugs ­ as an escape.
I became somewhat dependent on them to give me that boost I needed to have a good day rather than simply being present with what or whom was in front of me.
I wanted the quick fix. I wanted to wake up and feel like all my flaws were mended. I wanted to feel whole.

Everyone at some point or another has felt


Wataalam wa mambo ya saikolojia na maumbile wamezisoma tabia mbalimbali za binadamu na hatimaye wamewagawanya binadamu katika makundi makuu manne yenye kategoria kuu mbili. Kategoria hizo ni
  1.      Introvant: watu wenye uwezo mkubwa kiakili na wanaotafakari mambo kwa kina
                 hapa kuna makundi mawili

1.Melancolin           2. Fragmetic

2.      extrovants: wana uwezo wa kawaida kiakili na hawana tafakari za kina katika mambo yao
Hapa kuna makundi mawili

1. Sanguine         2. Colerick

Na sasa tuangalie tabia za kila kundi na mienendo yao

Watu wa kundi hili (females and males) wana sifa zifuatazo
-wana uwezo mkubwa kiakili (high intelligence Quotient)
-ni wagunduzi wa mambo makubwa ya kisayansi
-wanamudu vizuri masomo

Jumatano, 13 Aprili 2016



Youth is a time of hope. Also of uncertainty. But for a person who is young and healthy, uncertainty just means a challenge. It is important to be positive. First of all about yourself. But also about your family and your people. As a unique person and each human being are unique, you have enormous potential. Because you have so much potential, people may sometimes feel negatively challenged by that potential and try to undermine it.
You have to fight for your right to make your place in society. To do that you have to use all the chances given you now to be a positive element in whatever situation you find yourself in, in future. So, it may be necessary to be a ‘rebel in reverse’ as it were. That takes real courage, to set your goal and stick to it. You choose your crowd. You exercise your right to choose.
Don’t lose your freedom for the sake of anyone. Real freedom, freedom to choose the right thing, the best for you.
Always bear a few things in mind while exercising your right to choose.
* Never take a decision when you are in a fit of anger or depression. * Never take a decision when you are emotionally high. * Why should fads or the decision of the group tie you down? * What are you? * What do you want tomorrow to be for you?
No matter how strong the group decision may be, you must think and make your decision. Many times it is necessary to consult before taking a decision. Go to someone whose life you admire, not necessarily the person you like most, but the person who is whole, who is one person, wherever she or he is and whatever she or he does.
* Remember that there is always tomorrow, and tomorrow is hope. Very few things are ‘written in stone’. Most of the mistakes we make can be rectified. They can be corrected. Problems have a solution, and each new day is a new start, a new chance, a New Hope. Indeed the youth are our hope you are our future.
Also remember that your parents love you unconditionally, you have their support and want the best in life for you ¨


JOHN alijiingiza katika tabia za utumwa wa ngono wa aina tatu: 1) kupiga punyeto kila wakati, 2) kutazama picha za ngono, na 3) majumba ya kufanyia massage. Alikuwa pia ni mlevi kupindukia. 
Kutokana na ushauri aliopewa na Joe Zychick, mtaalamu wa mambo ya saikolojia wa Marekani, alijifunza kwamba haijalishi kama alikuwa akinywa bia, mvinyo au pombe kali, iwe alikunywa nyumbani, baa, wakati wa wikiendi au wakati wowote. Alitakiwa kupambana na kuyashinda majaribu yote ya ulevi.
Tofauti na pombe - tabia za utumwa wa ngono haziko sawa. Watu wengi wanapambana na uraibu wa ngono kama vile ulevi kwa sababu, kwa nchi ya Marekani, Programu ya Hatua-12 ndiyo maarufu. Lakini kwa bahati nzuri kuna tiba ambayo ni nzuri zaidi. 
Ngoja tuangalie kwa undani na tupate tafsiri ya uraibu ambao unaweza kutumiwa kwenye ulevi na ngono kwa pamoja,  na uraibu mwingine: Uraibu ni "shughuli" au "kitu" ambacho mtu hukitumia "kuepuka" kupambana na mawazo au hisia "zisizoburudisha" ambazo zinapaswa kukabiliwa.
John alikuwa ameraibiwa na ulevi kwa sababu: badala ya kupambana na hali nzito ya kijamii, yeye alikunywa sana ili kupunguza fa


 Image result for jinsi ya kupata mafanikio katika maisha
1. Kutoshindana na waliofanikiwa.
Daima mtu ahakikishe anawafanya waliofanikiwa wajione wapo juu. Kama mtu anataka kuwashangaza basi asionyeshe ujuzi wake wote.

Kuwapa waliofanikiwa heshima yao kutamfanya mtu apate msaada na hatimaye afikie kiwango cha juu bila ya kupata tabu nyingi.

Mfano, mtu asishindane na mwajiri wake ili kuonekana anajua sana; asishindane na tajiri katika matumizi hususani mazingira ya kijamii kama baa, misiba n.k. Waliofanikiwa hutafsiri kitendo cha kushindana kama kuonyesha kiburi au maskini jeuri.

2. Kutoamini sana marafiki.
Mtu awe makini 'anapojamiiana' na marafiki au watu wa karibu. Watu wa karibu huwa wasaliti na huvujisha siri kwa wapinzani. Mtu aogope marafiki zaidi ya maadui, ikibidi awape nafasi wale anaohisi ni wapinzani. Ilkiwa mtu han

Kila Changamoto Ina Fursa Ndani Yake. Ziangalie kwa Makini

Habari yako Ndugu na Rafiki yangu mpenzi.

Katika maisha haya tunayoishi, tunakutana na changamoto nyingi sana, wengine hukata tamaa, huishia kulalamika, kulaumu wengine n.k.

Lakini ukweli ni kwamba katika changamoto nyingi tunazokumbana nazo zimebeba majibu yake, na ndani ya majibu hayo kuna fursa nzuri. Hebu pitia kwa ufupi tu kisa hiki cha baba na mwanaye......

Baba mmoja alikuwa amekaa kwenye kiti chake chini ya mti anasoma gazeti. Pembeni yake alikuwepo mtoto wa miaka 6 ambaye alikuwa akimsonga kwa maana nae alikuwa anataka kuangalia kilichomo ndani ya gazeti.

Baba huyu ili kuondoa usumbufu akaona ni vema achane ukurasa mmoja ili ampatie mwanae. Ukurasa huu ulikuwa na ramani ya dunia, akamuonesha “unaiona hii ramani eh? baba  yake akaichana ile ramani vipande vidogo vidogo kama kumi na tano.Akamwambia mwanangu nenda ukavipange hivi vikaratasi mpaka iwe ramani kama ilivyokuwa, ntakupa booonge la zawadi. Hii yote ikiwa ni katika kuondoa usumbufu.

Mtoto akaenda kujifungia baada ya dakika chache akarudi akiwa amevipanga kwa usahihi kabisa. Kwamshangao haaaaaa!! Umewezaje kufanya haraka hivyo? mtoto akajibu nyuma ya vikaratsi hivi  ilikuwepo picha ya sura ya mtu hivyo nilivipanga kwa kukufuta sura hiyo.

Unajua maishani suala si kukutana na changamoto bali ni jinsi gani unazichukulia changamoto hizo. Ukikutana na changamoto yoyote tuliza akili na utapata mlango wa kutokea Changamoto nyingi hapa duniani ukigeuza upande wa pili utagundua ni FURSA. Fanya hivyo utashanga mambo yanavyokuwa rahisi kwako.Ila ukiwa kipofu wa kuitazama ile changamoto kwa hisia za itakuwaje utabaki hapo hapo.

 Hatupaswi kukata tamaa kwa sababu ya changamoto tunazokutana nazo, bali tunapaswa kuchunguza kwa umakini mkubwa ili kuziona fursa zilizo ndani yake.

Jumanne, 12 Aprili 2016

Unafanyaje Iwapo Watu Wako Wa Karibu Wanakuchukia?

“Hakuna mtu badala yako, pambana kwa ajili ya maisha yako. Fahamu kuwa hakuna mtu yeyote duniani atakayebeba maisha yako. Mtu anayekuchukia na kukufanyia mambo mabaya analengo la kukuchelewesha kwenye safari yako ya mafanikio”
Wakati fulani, nilikutana na rafiki yangu mmoja, anaishi na mke wake na wanamtoto mmoja. Mwaka mmoja uliopita alifiwa na wazazi wake wote hivyo akabaki yeye na mke wake kwenye familia hiyo, na akateuliwa na wanandugu awe msimamizi mkuu wa mali za wazazi wake yakiwemo mashamba na mali nyingine. 
Mara baada ya kupewa jukumu hilo, kuna baadhi ya wanandugu hawakufurahishwa na madaraka aliyopewa ikizingatiwa kwamba yeye ni mdogo kuliko wote, wakati huo alikuwa anaumri wa miaka 26. Matokeo ya kupewa madaraka hayo yamewafanya baadhi ya wanandugu wamchukie,  hata kufika hapo nyumbani hawafiki au wakija wanaishia kwa majirani huku wakimsema kwa kila neno baya. Ingekuwa heri kama wangeishia kumsema kwa maneno tu lakini kuna wengine wanaenda mbali zaidi kwa kumtafutia dawa za kumloga ili wamharibie kabisa mambo yake.
Jumapili moja nilimtembelea nyumbani kwa

You Need Self Awareness For These 3 Important Reasons

self aware

Ever heard the saying – What you don’t know won’t hurt you? Well, that’s both false and misleading.  In reality, what you don’t know will hurt you. What if a kid growing up and being raised by his or her parents isn’t taught to look left and right when crossing a road? The outcome of that scenario is death, or the unfortunate result of not being able to walk ever again. What if as a kid is growing up, they’re not educated on the repercussions of stealing? You can already see where I’m going with this.
Self awareness works in the exact same way.

If you’re not aware of yourself, you don’t know yourself, and you do things unconsciously—the outcome is also death. Not physically, but spiritually, or as the quote below puts it -
“Some people die at the age of 25, but it’s not made official until they’re 75.” – Unknown
You need self awareness for these 3 importa

Tatizo la Uke Kutoa Harufu Kali | Vaginal Odor(smell) na Namna ya Kumaliza Tatizo

Wanawake na watu wengi huzani kuwa harufu mbaya itokayo ukeni ni matokeo ya uchavu na kutojisafisha vizuri… Matokeo yake huongeza jitihada katika kujisafisha bila mafanikio ya kuondokana na tatizo hili… Kihalisi, badala kusuluhisha, unapojisafisha zaidi ni unaongeza tatizo badala ya kutatua…
Japokuwa ni kweli mara nyingine inaweza ikawa ni sababu ya uchafu… Ila mimi naamini walio wengi huwa wanazingatia usafi… Ndo maana nimeona leo tupeane mawazo juu ya tatizo hili, na kujua namna ya kujikinga.


i. Bacteria
Tatizo hili husababishwa na Bakteria kwa asilimia kubwa. Kwa asili, ukeni huishi jamii ya bacteria waitwao Lactobacillus ambao jukumu lao kubwa ni kufanya mazingila ya uke kuwa katika hali nzuri. Kutokana na njia mbaya za kusafisha uke, hasa kujisafisha kupindukia, ama kwa kutumia sabuni zenye dawa, husababisha bacteria hawa kufa kwa wingi na mahala pake kuchukuliwa na ai

12 Powerful Questions to Help You Live Your Life on Your Terms!


“Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” – Tony Robbins
Do you often ask yourself questions like, “Why does this always happen to me” and “Why am I always doing everything wrong?” or “Why did he do that to me?” Now, do you honestly expect to get an empowering answer from these types of questions?

Questions are very powerful and can have a tremendous impact on your life, but like most things of great power they can harm you just as much as they can help you. Only when used wisely can the right question at the right time have the power to totally shift your

Kutafuta Mafanikio Kwa Njia Za Mkato Ni Hatari...

Mpenzi msomaji wangu, mafanikio katika maisha yako yatatokana na utendaji wako wa kazi halali huku ukiwa umejiwekea malengo.
Lakini sasa linapozungumziwa suala la kutafuta maisha mazuri na yenye mafanikio, wapo watu wanaodiriki kujiingiza katika shughuli zisizo halali ambazo mwisho wa siku zinaweza kuhatarisha maisha yao.
Zipo kazi nyingi tu ambazo ukizifanya kwa nguvu zote na kwa malengo, unaweza kuwa na mafanikio makubwa na ukaishi maisha ya furaha na amani. Hapa nazungumzia zile kazi ambazo ni halali.
Lakini huwa najiuliza, hawa wanaofanya kazi zisizo halali walishawahi kujiuliza hatima ya maisha yao itakuwaje?
Kwa nini ufikie hatua ya kufanya kazi ambayo itafanya maisha yako yawe hatarini? Wapo wanaosema eti wanafanya hivyo kwa sababu maisha ya sasa ni magumu hivyo

Which comes first, the Success or the Happiness?


We’ve heard the classic expression, “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Chickens hatch from the eggs, but eggs are laid by the chickens, arousing endless debate over each side of the arguments.

I’ve come up with an equally controversial expression to perturb your mind, “which comes first, the success or the happiness?” Before you jump the ropes, I wanted to warn you that arguments could be made to prove which gives rise to the other. Success comes from within, knowing the true worth of our human potential.
I have several profound reasons to prove that happiness leads to the success.
    1. Positivity is the mother of success: We all know that positivity leads to attitude and unwavering faith to achieve success. In the history of the human ra

Mambo Yanayosababisha Mtu Kuwa na Uwezo Mdogo Kiakili

Katika utafiti ulioongozwa na profesa wa saikolojia, Thomas Joseph Bouchard na kuchapishwa katika jarida la Intelligence, toleo la 35 la mwaka 2007, ilibainika kuwa karibu nusu ya uwezo wa akili unatokana na urithi wa vinasaba.

Utafiti uliofanywa kati ya Oktoba 21 na Novemba mosi, 2013 na Taasisi ya Utafiti ya Triangle (RTI) kuhusu uwezo wa watoto kusoma, kuandika na kuhesabu kwa wanafunzi wa darasa la pili nchini, ulibaini kuwa asilimia 92 ya wanafunzi hawaelewi wanachokisoma.

Utafiti huo unaonyesha kuwa wanafunzi wengi wana uwezo mdogo wa kujibu maswali kwa sababu ubongo wao hauna ule uwezo wa kimaarifa katika kuchanganua mambo bali wanakariri tu.

Ubongo wao unaweza ukawa umekariri jambo lakini kwa

6 Things Money Cannot Help you Achieve

Jinsi Ya Kupanga na Kuboresha Uchumi Wako.

Kuweka malengo, uaminifu, nidhamu, kufanya kazi kwa bidii na kuipenda kazi yako ndio siri pekee ya mafanikio ulimwenguni. Kuweka malengo ya kukuza uchumi ndio dira pekee itakayokupeleka katika kilele cha mafanikio, weka malengo yako kwa kuyagawanya katika sehemu tatu,  Malengo ya muda mfupi, ya kati na ya muda mrefu.

Ni muhimu kupitia malengo yako anagalau mara moja kila mwaka. Hii itakusaidia kufanya mabadiriko katika orodha ya malengo yako, pia itakusaidia kuondoa orodha ya malengo yaliyokwisha timizwa.

Watu hutumia njia mbalimbali kupanga malengo yao , lakini leo hii nitakuonyesha njia rahisi ya kupanga na kuboresha  male

Jumatatu, 11 Aprili 2016

Create a Richer Life in 24 Hours or Less

Jinsi Ya Kumtambua Mwanamke Anayekaribia Kukuacha!

Uchunguzi unaonesha kuwa, wanawake wengi hawawezi kuficha sana hisia zao za mapenzi, lakini pia kwenye chuki hawakujaaliwa uvumilivu. Wanasaikolojia wanakiri kwamba, kutambua mawazo yaliyomo ndani ya mwanamke kwa kumtazama muonekano wake usoni ni rahisi kuliko mwanaume ambaye anatajwa kuwa na uwezo kuficha mawazo yake.

Muongozo huo wa kitaalamu wa kumtambua mwanamke anayekaribia kukuacha ni kazi rahisi, ambayo inaweza kuanzia kwenye kona ya mazoea ya tabia zake za kila siku kwenye uhusiano wa kimapenzi. Ni imani yangu kuwa kila mwanaume anamfahamu mpenzi wake katika sura mbili za chuki na furaha yake.

Atakuwa mwanaume wa ajabu ambaye atarudi nyumbani kwake na kushindwa kusoma sura ya mkewe na kujua kama ana furaha au amekwazika.
Ninapotazama uwezekano rahisi wa kumtambua

Msaada Pekee Kwa Watu Wenye Ufahamu Mdogo

Kama wewe ni mmoja kati ya watu ambao wana tatizo la ufahamu mdogo au mwanao ungana nami upate ufumbuzi wa tatizo hili.Uchunguzi unaonyesha kuwa shuleni, kazini na kwenye jamii kuna watu ambao wanadharaulika kwa sababu si wazima katika uelewa. Hali hii imekuwa ikiwauma wahusika hasa pale wanapojaribu kufanya mambo kwa uwezo wao wote na kupata matokeo dhaifu.

Wanafunzi wengi wamejaribu kusoma kwa bidii, lakini wamejikuta katika nafasi za chini, wengine wametumia uwezo wao katika kazi, lakini ukaguzi wa bosi hukosoa walichofanya. Kwa kifupi watu wenye kasoro hii wamejikuta wakipoteza dhamana mbele ya wenzao. Kutwa hubebeshwa kauli hizi: “usimtume fulani hataweza” “Somo gani, la Kiswahili? Hawezi.” “Hana uwezo wa kuoa.”

Kauli hizi zinauma na wengi zimewakatisha tamaa. Wazazi wamewatenga watoto wao kwa sababu wanashindwa kupata alama za juu katika

3 Ways to Develop Rock Solid Self-Confidence


How can you make the leap from a shy ‘people pleaser’ to someone who has an unshakeable self-confidence? I believe that you need Rock Solid self-confidence for 5 major reasons.
  • You need to be confident enough to overcome the inevitable anxiety of new situations and move forward with a comfortable, calm state of mind. 
  • You need to be confident in meetings and conversations so you can freely express your views with authentic honesty.
  • You need to be confident enough to put yourself first. Not in a disempowering, selfish sense. In the sense that when you develop yourself and your mindset, everyone you come into contact with benefits.
  • You need to be confident to take the opportunities that lie outside of your comfort zone, embracing fear as opposed to finding an escape.
  • Finally, you need to be confident so you don’t waste time with jealousy. You want to be confident in your own skin, without getting bogged down by ‘comparisons.’
Personally, I have lots of fun breaking out of my comfort zone and developing my confidence and I have a blast developing the confidence in other people as well. There is no

Facing Rejection? Here Are 5 Key Steps To Handle Them Like a Pro

 Photo Credit: Bryan Gosline

Rejection can be tough to handle. I know because I face them often in my life.
As a personal development blogger, some readers reject what I write in my articles, sometimes writing lengthy personal emails to tell me why I’m wrong. In my work as a speaker, there are times when participants reject what I share during my workshops.
In growing my business and blog, there have been countless times when I reach out to others for collaboration opportunities, only to get turned down.

Even in my personal life, I experience rejections too. For example, my family members are private individuals – they don’t like to talk about themselves. There have been times when I try to connect them on a personal level, with limited results. Some of my friends can be quite

Jumamosi, 9 Aprili 2016

Ipo Nguvu Ya Kuleta Mafanikio Kwako, Nayo Hufanya Kazi Kwa Mfumo Huu.

Rafiki Mpendwa, Bila shaka umewahi kupita sehemu mbalimbali za mjini, mfano sokoni na maeneo mengine. Katika kupita kwako kote huko, hujagundua kitu wala hujawazia kitu au bidhaa yoyote. 
Siku moja ukapata wazo la kununua jiko la mkaa. Ukaenda tena mjini kama kawaida yako, lakini leo hii unawazo la kununua jiko la mkaa. Ukafika sokoni ukashangaa kuona jinsi majiko ya mkaa yalivyo mengi lakini siku za nyuma ulikuwa unapita pale pale ila huyaoni au kama uliyaona hukuyafikiria. 
Unaamua kuangalia ili uchague jiko zuri unalolipenda, unajisemea ngoja nizunguke zunguke sokoni nikiulizia bei na pia

5 Lessons That Professor Failure Taught Me About Success

That Professor Failure Taught Me About Success
                                                                                                                            Photo Credit: Paul Keller

Failure has become a faithful friend throughout the years. Early on in my life I thought failure was my mortal enemy. But life’s experience has taught me that Professor Failure is on the academic staff of my personal University Of Success that I attend.

He is a vital necessity for my training, in order to become someone who will reach his full potential, and even go beyond what he personally thought possible.
And why is that? Because I have learned to ask a simple question of my professor after every failure, ‘What is the most important lesson that I can learn from this mistake?’
Those lessons then become the building blocks for the success I have experienced to date, and the success that will accompany me for the rest of my days.
So please allow me to share with you just 5 lessons that Professor Failure has taught me about success.
  1. The Importance Of Obsession
    If you ever want to make your mark on this

Incredibly Simple Steps to Living a Truly Great Life Incredibly Simple Steps to Living a Truly Great Life

Great Life

Living a truly great life seems impossible. Days and weeks go by and is just feels like we’re stuck in this never ending world of mediocrity. I don’t know.
Maybe we’re all defining ‘great life’ the wrong way. What does it mean to live a truly great life? I can tell you one thing. It’s different for every person, and each one of us has to come up with our own definition. It’s not up to society, our friends, or our family. And – it’s certainly not up to me or some guy on the internet. I can list 40,000 things that make ME happy, and perhaps we’ll have a few in common, however, it’s up to you to decide how you live.
With that, I can surely give you a handful of ideas that may help in your quest. Let me know what you think.
  1. Go After Your Dreams
    Go after your dreams and follow your

So, Here’s 14 Reasons Why You’re Not Successful!


1. You Complain.
Complaining may feel good for a second but it is probably the biggest waste of time there is! It serves no purpose unless you are taking note of what went wrong for the sake of figuring out what you’re going to do about it. Otherwise, shut up about it because really, nobody wants to hear it!

2.You’re Unorganized.
You can’t find anything when you need it! Everywhere you spend any time is a mess, at home, at work and even in your car! Start to get organized by getting rid of ANYTHING you don’t use, don’t know how to use or don’t recognize; then you’ll begin to have room to think!
3. You’re Late.
If early is on time and on time is late, then what the hell are you?! If you don’t respect time, yours or anyone elses, you might as well call it day

5 Reasons People Don’t Take You Seriously and How to Fix It

Ever wonder how some people manage to command a room simply by entering it?
Do you sometimes feel like you get mowed down by other people’s big ideas, priorities and needs?

Is it exceedingly difficult for you to get people to cooperate and follow your lead?
While some people seem blessed with strong character from birth, the rest of us flounder, stagnate, learn to acquire a taste for shoe leather. Why is this? It may be because people aren’t taking you seriously enough.
And the reason is that, most likely, you don’t take yourself seriously enough. How others see us begins with how we see ourselves. 

We project this self-perception into every action and every word we speak. Here are five reasons people aren’t taking you seriously and how to fix it.
  1. Not being true to your word: Do you make promises only to realize later that you can’t keep them? Do you excitedly tell your friends and family what you plan

Kiwango Cha Uhuru Na Kiwango Cha Kufikiri Vitakavyokuwezesha kupata mafanikio makubwa

Mungu anaupendeleo? Kwanini kuna watu wanaitwa ma-genius na wengine wanakuwa sio ma-genius? Unafikiri tofauti ni nini?. Je, wewe ni genius kama jibu ni ndiyo nakupongeza kama jibu ni sio kwanini sio genius?
Wakati natafakari somo hili nilishangaa sana kupata ufahamu ambao kipindi cha nyuma sikuwa nao. Nilirejea historia ya watu mashuhuri duniani ambao wameweza kufanya mambo makubwa yaliyosaidia kuufikisha ulimwengu mahali hapa. Baadhi yao ni  akina Sir Isack Newton, akina Bill Gate, akina Einstern Albert na wengine wengi. Ambao kila mmoja wao amefanya kitu cha kipekee kilichoushangaza ulimwengu.

Kwa kifupi na kwa lugha rahisi,  neno Genius ni mtu ambaye anauwezo wa kutumia akili yake kwa kiwango ambacho akili hiyo hiyo inampa matokeo makubwa au anatengeneza matokeo makubwa. Kila mtu anaakili lakini namna ya kuzitumia akili hizo tunatofautiana. Kwenye makala hii nalenga kuangalia namna au njia sahihi ambayo mtu anaweza kufanya ili aweze kufikia kuwa genius au aweze kujitengeneza yeye mwenyewe kuwa genius.

Chukulia kwa mfano; mimi nimeajiriwa ninauhakika wa kupata mshahara wangu mwisho wa mwezi. Wewe hujaajiriwa lakini unamiliki kampuni ya kutengeneza sabuni. Mimi nafanya kazi kwa kufuata mwongozo nilioukuta ofisini nilipoajiriwa. 
Wewe unajiandalia mwongozo wako mwenyewe lakini pia ili upate wateja wengi wa sabuni ni lazima ufanye ubunifu wa kipekee ili bidhaa yako

8 Types of Toxic Friends That Are Holding Your Happiness Hostage


“We would do ourselves a tremendous favor by letting go of the people who poison our spirit.”
–Steve Maraboli

Toxic people are no good for our souls, spirit, and even our physical being. If you have any friends that seem to suck the life out of you, it’s a high possibility that they could be! While some people may view you as ruthless for kicking certain friends to the curb, keep in mind that you are doing this for your happiness. Anyone who is sabotaging your happiness, intentionally or not, should not be in your life.
You must have more respect for yourself and know ultimately what is best for you. Your true friends are the ones who are supportive and uplift you, they never bring you down and keep you down.
If you are unsure about whether or not you have toxic friends, you must assess how you feel when it comes to certain people in your circle. Also, this article will

Hisia Nne Za Hatari Zinazoweza Kukwamisha Malengo Yako

Kisaikolojia inaelezwa kuwa, wakati mwingine hisia ni adui kwa sababu huweza kukudumbukiza kwenye anasa na hatimaye kujikuta unakwama kwenye kutimiza malengo yako. Leo nitaelezea hali za kihisia ambazo zimewafanya wengi washindwe kufikia malengo yao.

Ulishawahi kukaa na kujiuliza ni jinsi gani hisia zako zinaweza kukusukuma ukafanya jambo ambalo hukulitegemea? Huenda hujajiuliza lakini nikwambie tu kuwa hisia ni adui mkubwa wa maendeleo ya binadamu hasa kama utashindwa kuzizuia zisiathiri maisha yako.

Furaha iliyopitiliza
Hali hii inapokutokea hujiona ni mtu unayeweza kufanya lolote lakini pia unaweza kujikuta unashindwa kufikia malengo mazuri uliyojipangia.

Mfano: Unadhani ni kwa nini kwenye mabaa na kasino

7 Techniques for Taking Criticism Better

I’m not very good at taking criticism. Even when I think I’m ready for it, hearing it shatters my ego into a thousand pieces. I get defensive, angry, standoffish, and hostile.
Sometimes it makes me want to cry. Taking criticism makes me feel bad, and I don’t like it. But if I avoid criticism I know I’ll miss out on comments that help me improve. I might not like what I hear, but I know I need to hear it.

Criticism isn’t bad: it’s good. But I’m still working on learning how to take criticism better. Here are seven techniques I use.

Pretend it’s Not About Me
Repeat: “I am not my idea, plan, or project.” My brain understands, but when I’m on the receiving end of a critical comment, my ego doesn’t. To distance

Jinsi ya Kuondokana na Mawazo Yanayoumiza au Kuhuzunisha

Wapo watu kati yetu wanaweza kufuga mawazo ya kuachwa na wapenzi wao kwa miaka mitano mfululizo, huku wengine wakitumia miezi mingi kuondokana na huzuni iliyotokana na kutukanwa na wazazi, kufokewa na bosi, kupata hasara katika biashara, kufeli mitihani na kadhalika.

Hii ina maana kuwa ni wachache kati yetu tunaofahamu namna ya kupambana na mawazo yanayohuzunisha na kuyashinda. Kwa kuzingatia umuhimu wa kutunza furaha yetu katika maisha, nimeona ni vema nikawafundisha hatua za kuondokana na mawazo yanayoumiza yatokanayo na matukio ya kuhuzunisha.

KWANZA: Mtu anapojikuta katika mawazo ya kuhuzunisha lazima, aanze kwa kurekebisha kwanza mhemko wake kwa kushughulikia mfumo wa upumuaji. Unapoletewa taarifa mbaya, moyo hushtuka na kuufanya uende mbio, hivyo ili kuurudisha katika hali yake

Ijumaa, 8 Aprili 2016

Wafalme Hupigana Kwa Ajili Ya Himaya, Vichaa Hupigana Kwa Ajili Ya Sifa

Umekwisha wahi kuona? Mtu anag’ang’ana kufukazana na vijimambo vidogo vidogo tu mtaani wala hakuna kinachoeleweka. Ndio! watu hao wapo wengi tu,  wao ni wachambuzi wa kila neno litokalo vinywani mwa wengine. 
Ni wataalamu waliobobea kuhakikisha hawakosi sifa mtaani, kijiweni, ofisini, shuleni, chuoni, gengeni na kila sehemu walipo. Ingekuwa heri kama sifa hizo ni za mambo mema , rakini mara nyingi ni yale yasiyofaa hata kutamkwa.  Wanaweka sifa pasipohitaji sifa.

Ukitambua Chagua Njia Yako
Nataka nikuhimize uchague njia yako mwenyewe ya maisha, jiamulie wewe mwenyewe njia utakayopitia. 
Usiige mtu fanya kile ukipendacho. Nikijichukulia kwa mfano mimi, kufundisha ni kitu ninachokipenda sana. Sipendi kuajiriwa kama mwalimu wa shule lakini napenda

Haters Gonna Hate (And What you Can Do About It)


You’ve got a dream, and it’s a big one. Maybe you want to quit your job, get a promotion, get married, or conceive the next great paper cup innovation. Whatever it is, it’s so exciting you just have to share it with everyone.

So you do.
But along with smiles and nods come scowls and awkward looks.

Turns out not everyone’s as excited as you are about your dream.
Some people don’t like your idea, others don’t think you’ll succeed, and still more dish out advice you didn’t ask for. Congratulations, you’ve met the haters.
Why Haters Hate
 Haters are the people you wish you’d never talked to, the ones who make you feel inadequate. They criticize your dreams and ideas. They erode your co

What to Do When Others Try to Kill Your Dream

                                                                                                                                   Photo Credit: Zach

You’re a dreamer.

But you’re also a dream-chaser.

You make your dreams happen – one goal at a time.

Sometimes, a lot of times, you may be filled with doubt and uncertainty.

Is this for real?
Are you really in the middle of the Saharas teaching English to African children?

Are you in Japan becoming a ninja?

Did you just quit your corporate job and start a freelance business in the Philippines?
Are you really waiting tables so you can act every evening and break into Hollywood?
When others doubt you
You may be doubting yourself and

Tumia Kipaji Chako Kwa Faida Yako Na Ya Wengine

Lena Maria akiwaonesha wanachuo wa chuo cha SEKOMU jinsi anavyoandika kwa kutumia miguu yake.

Habari yako ndugu na rafiki yangu msomaji wa ukurasa huu, Hivi karibuni nimepokea jumbe nyingi kutoka kwa wasomaji wa ukurasa huu haswa wakitaka kumtambua zaidi mwanamama Lena Maria ambaye nilimtolea mfano kwenye Chapisho la 'Maisha Ni Kama Ujenzi Wa Kiota, Umejenga Chako?' kama bado hujaisoma basi bofya HAPA ili uisome.

Kutokana na hitajio hilo nimeona niweke Makala hii ili pia tujifunze namna ya kutambua na kutumia kipaji chako kwa kumuangazia mwanamama Lena, karibu,

Tatizo la wazazi wengi wanawasaidia kupita kiasi watoto wao.” Ni maneno ya mwanamama Lena Maria Klingvall kutoka Sweden, ambaye ni miongoni mwa waanzilishi na mfadhili wa chuo kikuu cha SEKOMU hapo nyuma kilikuwa kinaitwa SEKUKO kinachopatikana