Key results in maternal and child health by 2015 Providing safe motherhood and newborn care to
1.8 million pregnant women through improved antenatal care, reinforcing the skills of health
personnel on emergency obstetric care and neonatal care, providing supplies and equipment
and knowledge that can save the lives of women and infants.

Providing long-lasting insecticide treated nets to eight million children under five and advocate for
intermittent preventive treatment of malaria for pregnant women.

Strengthening cold chain equipment and management and reaching 1.8 million children
0-11 months every year through routine immunization and the estimated 250,000 hard to
reach children in remote and underserved areas with immunization.

Strengthening the capacity of regional and district health systems on evidence based planning,
delivery and supervision of essential and good quality maternal, newborn and child health services
including emergency obstetric and newborn care, newborn resuscitation, prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV, routine under-five immunization services and integrated management of childhood illness in seven learning districts, and expansion to additional six districts of three regions.

Partnering with the private sector to increase community awareness and adoption of key child survival practices.