Sometimes it’s difficult to get a clear view of exactly what your priorities are. Often, as we deal with various demands on our energy and time. True life goals fall by the wayside and smaller concerns take up all of our attention. Modern life is so fast-paced and demanding that we can find ourselves getting bogged down in the inconsequential—things that if only we were to take a step back, we would realize aren’t that important to us.
This can result in you not spending enough time with your friends, family and loved ones, dealing with huge amounts of stress from things that ultimately aren’t that significant, and forgetting what it is that you truly want in life. There’s always something to grab our attention, and the information overload that comes with living in the 21st Century can be at best confusing, and at worst—a source of strain and unhappiness. Sometimes it’s important to step back, clear out, and take a life audit. This way you can chuck out the junk, recognize what’s important to you, rediscover your ambitions, and identify what you want to improve.
1. Find a Habit that Clears your Mind
Whether it’s going out for a jog, taking up yoga, or sitting in quiet meditation, finding a way to clear your mind will prepare you to think seriously about your life. When we rush from one task to the next, our brains are so busy that we are focused entirely on immediate demands and future worries, making it difficult to think about things critically. By taking up a habit that quietens